How to Subscribe Speedy

How to Subscribe

What administrative requirements that must be met?

Provide a copy of ID / SIM / Passport Speedy customers.
Signing of the Contract Subscription Speedy research the materei Rp.6.000, --

No charges have arrears of payment and Speedy Phone Faximile or in the installation of the same address, both on behalf of itself and on behalf of the Personal / Company / Agency / Institution, or any name as pengontrak / or tenants and users and the place or live at the address where Speedy registered facilities.

For more information contact Customer Care Telkom 147

What should I prepare?

The device computer, a modem provided by the customer
Minimum standard technical specifications of the computer (the minimum fun):
Pentium II Processor
64 MB of RAM
Hard drives with a capacity of 2 GB if technically required replacement modem to get a new type of service, the responsibility penyediaannya become fully customer.

What are provided by Telkom?

By choosing Speedy solution needs access to the Internet you then you will get service from Telkom as follows:

Spliter installation in customer premises (the customer side of the house)
Warranty Speed Internet Access to Broadband RAS
Broadband Access Line in accordance with the type of service
Internet access through ISP Apnic

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