FastNet, the only broadband internet service that offers unlimited fast speed internet access for the whole family’s information needs at affordable prices. With unlimited data capacity and 24-hours non-stop access, FastNet offers exciting packages with speeds suited for your internet needs from simple data accessing to downloading large music files, gaming online, and video streaming.

FastNet Migration
FIRST Media internet subscribers of LinkNet, MyNet, and Digital1 have been upgraded to experience more fast speed broadband Internet connection.

Thank you for your trust in FIRST Media,
In delivering our commitment to provide the best service and in enhancing the customer’s total internet experience, we are happy to announce that effective 31 August, 2007 we have upgraded your LinkNet, MyNet, and Digital1 subscription by adding more speed to your Internet connection:
No need to worry about your billing! This upgrade is part of our service and will not change your product price and monthly billing subscription!

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