ISP (Internet Service Provider)

ISP (Internet Service Provider) is a company or agency business that sells Internet connections to customers, or the like. ISP's are identical with the initial phone network, as the first ISP to sell Internet connection or access through the telephone network. As one instant Apnic from Telkom.
Now, with the development of technology, the ISP is not only using the telephone network, but also using technology such as fiber optic and wireless. In Bali, especially in denpasar ISP with wireless technology, most grow.

What are the contents of the ISP?

ISPs that the content is the people and equipment necessary to provide Internet connection service to its customers equipment is usually the form of servers, routers, equipment to connect to its customers and equipment to interconnect their upstream. ISPs usually work with network operators in running the business. So there are ISPs that do not have network equipment. They only have the human resources to sales, customer support and billing or billing. The rest, start-bandwidth, the network system, submitted to the network operator. For example, my ISP is working with the owner of the phone network to make the system a dial-up Internet connection. I also buy bandwidth from the owner of the phone network and I accept all wrong. After that I live sell Internet dial-up, the system provides customer support and handle payments.

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